As soon as you start the stage/thesis in ISISLab

The things to do as soon as you start working are:

  1. Request an account for laboratory PCs (if using Windows);
  2. Request an account on the ISISLab website;
  3. Request registration on the mailing list.

The contact person for registration is Matteo D'Auria.

The account on the laboratory PC

The account is necessary to use the PCs made available to the laboratory. Usually, you can choose one of the free PCs and use it for all your thesis work (it is possible to change PCs from time to time but we do not recommend it for convenience).

You can configure, install software and format "your" PC, subject to authorization by a contact person.

Some tips and useful information:

The account on the laboratory site

The laboratory site is WordPress. Students have the possibility to change their profile and personal page.

Update your profile by entering your name and surname, social links and profile photos.

Periodically, remember to update your personal page. Here is the minimum information you need to enter:

Consultate la pagina Template per avere un'idea di come impostare la vostra pagina personale.

The laboratory mailing list

The mailing list is the main tool with which we send notices of seminars (about once a week) or important and urgent communications (very, very rarely).

When you hold a seminar

About a week before the seminar, contact Giuseppina Palmieri the date, time and a short abstract of the seminar.

To plan the seminar, we advise you to read the FAQ on the seminars, the tips on the short seminars and what else is indicated in the Useful Information.

Remember to put all the seminar information on your web page, indicating the index of the topics covered, links used, bibliographic material, etc..

When you prepare for the graduation session

Typically you will be asked for a final (complete) seminar on your work and, a few days before the thesis, the proof of the presentation of the thesis that lasts a short time (5-6 minutes) and therefore must be prepared with care and attention.

Some tips on short seminars can help you.