Here we collect information that can be useful for those involved in research. Mainly, we collect here the links that we keep exchange via email, slack or whatsapp.. and that we finally place here!
Bibliometric indicators
To evaluate the best venue for your publication, after you carefully evaluated the topics of the journal/conference you should also consider the indicators that can be used for the evaluation. Here are some links that can be used.
- SCIMAGO Journal and Country Rank (SJR) per Computer Science (Internazionale):
- valutazione dei journals rispetto alla propria area e sottoarea, con indicazione di H-index, il ranking SJR, e l'andamento negli anni
- valutazione dei journals rispetto alla propria area e sottoarea con indicazione di CiteScore e citazioni recenti
- Lista dei journals del GEV (per VQR 2004-2010 di ANVUR) da Università di Chieti
- Conference rating (Italia (GRIN-GII) e Spagna (SCIE):
- Indicazioni del GRIN sulla valutazione:
Personal indicators
Nella valutazione delle proprie attività di ricerca, sempre maggiore importanza assumono gli indicatori bibliometrici sulle proprie pubblicazioni. Ecco alcuni strumenti da utilizzare per valutare i propri!
- Scopus: search by author
- Web of Science: search by author
- Google Scholar
- ACM Digital Library:
- Academic Microsoft:
Quality Assessment Research (VQR)
If you want to know more about the Quality Research Assessment (VQR), as presented by the ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research): .
VQR 2011-2014
- Page of Area 1 - Mathematical and Computer Sciences with links to participants, to the criteria and to the list of magazines (that of computer science can also be downloaded from below)
VQR 2004-2010
- Page of Area 1 - Mathematical and Computer Sciences with links to participants, to the criteria and to the list of magazines (that of computer science can also be below downloaded)