For many legal businesses, automation may feel like a harder-said-than-done proposition. However, a significant number of repetitive, rules-based jobs are perfect for automation, freeing up attorney time to focus on client facing tasks and strategic actions that generate revenue.

The benefits of automatizing legal practices are clear. It allows lawyers to do what they were taught to do and delivering a better customer experience while reducing the risk of human error. What may not be as obvious is that cost savings can be achieved.

In an age where legal overheads and other fees are a constant challenge automating a process can mean avoiding the need to hire additional legal team members. This can aid a small or solo firm stay competitive on the same budget as bigger competitors.

Document automation is an excellent example. Legal teams can design templates for documents that are frequently used, such as NDAs, employment paperwork or privacy compliance documents. Instead of wasting time in meetings, and emailing documents back and forth, they could create and save templates. Once a template has been created, employees can then self-serve and produce the document without the requirement for a lawyer be involved, which means quicker turnaround times for clients and less effort for legal teams to rework.

Automating a legal workflow can provide legal professionals with the tools needed to succeed and increase efficiency. If you're unsure of where to begin, keep the daily log of your work for a week. This will aid in identifying tasks that can be automated. After that, look into technology tools that can reduce the burden of these tasks. Implement them slowly so as to not interrupt your day-to-day tasks.