Il paper "A Domain-Specific Language for Scientific Computing on FaaS" di Gennaro Cordasco, Matteo D'Auria, Alberto Negro, Vittorio Scarano, Carmine Spagnuolo è stato ACCETTATO alla Euro-Par 2019: 1st International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models in High-Performance Cloud (ParaMo 2019) at Euro-Par 2019, che si terrà a Göttingen (Germania) dal 26 al 30 agosto 2019.
Abstract:"Cloud Computing is widely recognized as distributed computing paradigm for the next generation of dynamically scalable applications. Recently a novel service model, called Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), has been proposed, that enables users to exploit the computational power of cloud infrastructures, without the need to configure and manage complex computations systems. FaaS paradigm represents an opportunity to easily develop and execute extreme-scale applications as it allows fine-grain decomposition of the application with a much more efficient scheduling on cloud provider infrastructure.
We introduce FLY, a domain-specific language for designing, deploying and executing scientific computing applications by exploiting the FaaS service model on different cloud infrastructures.
In this paper, we present the design and the language definition of FLY on several computing (local and FaaS) back-ends: Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), Amazon AWS Lambda, and Microsoft Azure.
We also present the first FLY source-to-source compiler that supports SMP and AWS back-ends, that is also publicly available on GitHub. "