About the project

The ROUTE-TO-PA project – Raising Open and User-friendly Transparency - Enabling Technologies fOr Public Administrations – aims at improving the engagement of citizens by making them able to socially interact over open data, by forming or joining existing online communities that share common interest and discuss common issues.

The project ROUTE-TO-PA that received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645860.

Among the main objectives of the project, there are:

The development of a Social Platform for Open Data (SPOD) enabling social interactions among open data users and between open data users and government data, with the functionalities to co-create data of high quality;
The development of a Transparency-Enhancing Toolset (TET) a set of extensions for CKAN that allows personalization, friendly summaries and easy interface, with the easily accessible analysis tools to detect anomalies.

SPOD is the social platform for open data that allows:

Alla pubblica amministrazione di produrre dati aperti di qualità attraverso un processo collaborativo ed agile, allo scopo di aumentarne l’interesse e la riutilizzabilità da parte dei cittadini.
Interazioni sociali tra i cittadini e la loro pubblica amministrazione utilizzando i dati aperti, attraverso la valorizzazione dei dati aperti.
Utilizzare l’app per Android “SPOD Mobile” che offre l’accesso per l’organizzazione di data expeditions, offrendo la possibilità ai cittadini o a collaboratori di raccogliere dati in mobilità (catturare foto, posizione GPS, fornire informazioni).
Far incontrare cittadini per la co-creazione di dati aperti, al fine di raccogliere e collaborativamente creare dati di valore per la collettività.
La creazione e la condivisione di visualizzazioni interattive, dinamiche, e denominate datalet a partire dai dati open.
Una vetrina per raccontare storie di utilizzo dei dati aperti, attraverso un blog wordpress.

For SPOD we also have a mobile app "SPOD Mobile" and offers you access to the discussion, and the co-creation rooms (allowing easy data expeditions, for example, capturing pictures, date and position in a dataset). In the coming months, we will also create a similar app for iOS.

The project partners are 12 and include research, Public Administrations and companies, with pilots in The Netherlands, in Ireland, in Italy and in France. The project website is http://www.routetopa.eu

The ROUTE-TO-PA Platform

The platform we propose is a three layer, that is based on a data layer, based on our TET-enabled CKAN repository, on top of it the Social Platform for Open Data (SPOD) offers the possibility to users to interact, use, re-use and co-create data. Finally, on top, a layer for visualization, that allows embedding self-contained "datalets" (i.e. re-usable web components) in any HTML page (for example, on a CMS like WordPress).


The pilots activities were conducted in several european towns, such as, Dublin, Prato, Utrecht and Issy-les-Moulineaux. In addition, a pilot activity that is very at an advanced stage is the Hetor project, conducted in Italy, about the co-creation of Cultural Heritage resources (at hetor.databenc.it). In Hetor we first experimented our three-layer architecture that binds a data layer (CKAN), a social (business) layer offered by SPOD, and a presentation layer (a WordPress modified so that it includes live datalets from our (or anybody else's) datasets). The site is in italian, sorry, but it offers you the idea of where we stand.

ROUTE-TO-PA project and EU Innovation Radar 2018

The results of the ROUTE-TO-PA project have been selected by the Commission to be placed in the Innovation radar www.innoradar.eu. 

The innovations recognized are:

Useful Links


The team  developed on Github where you find tickets, issues and projects planning.

Google play

The mobile app of SPOD (Social Platform for Open Data) and allows you to join your own SPOD platform. You can join discussion on Agora and upload geolocalized photos to CoCreation Rooms.

Video Tutorials

A catalog of video (in English and Italian version) is available YouTube channel describing functionalities of the SPOD platform.


User and Administrator guides are available on line.