Tailored Thematic Virtual Museum based on (Linked) Open Data


How to provide users a sustainable fruition of artifacts of interest which
are spread all around the world? We designed and developed a prototype
to guide users in exploiting (Linked) Open Data of interest by the creation
of tailored and thematic virtual museums. Our proposal leads in exploiting
artifacts of interest by enabling users in retrieving datasets according to
his/her needs. Through our prototype, users are guided in querying both
Open Data and Linked Open Data (LOD). Above all thanks to the linked
nature of LOD, users can aggregate artworks spread all around the world
and present them in a unified view. Because of the virtual nature of our
museums, we provide a sustainable fruition of artifacts decreasing (or at
least not increasing) the overall environmental pollution.
The actual prototype is the extension of a previous prototype (developed by
the same research group) which enabled users to query OD and create a VM
with traditional settings on them. In this work, we present the prototype to
create a geo-localized VMs by querying LOD. We will inspect the process to
obtain the VM and we will contextualize it in a real use-case, a Van Gogh’s
virtual exhibition.

Download the Van Gogh's Virtual Exhibition

Minimum requirements: PC with Windows, CPU Intel i3 or equivalenti, 8GB of RAM, 100 of disk space.

Creation of an interactive virtual museum through a Linked-Open-Data query.
The environment built on previous step.