The project was funded by the University of Salerno, as a University Integrated Research Project of Relevant Interest on May 15th 2008.
Description of the project
The techniques of digital representation of virtual reality consist in the creation of a model that represents the environment to be reconstructed and in the identification and realization of the interaction methods for the user. Their ambitious goal is to try to extend the user's perceptive abilities so that his interactions with the set of visible, invisible, hypothetical and imaginary worlds he can visit turns out to be as natural, intuitive, pleasant and, at the same time time, instructive and full of content.
In this context, our project aims to offer an organic structure of the reconstruction of the geography of the Irno Valley, which acts as a "glue", from connective tissue to detailed virtual reconstructions of particular places of memory, of sites of historical importance and archaeological, of the evolution of the territory over time and, finally, of the visitable reconstruction of our University. In a sense, we want to provide the visitor with a virtual reality reconstruction of a complete control system that can modify not only its position (modifying the traditional 3 spatial dimensions) but also its position along the fourth time dimension, which it is precluded in real reality. The implicit objective is to present, through a homogeneous interface, the evolution over time of the territory of our University so as to link its present to the historical and geographical context and, therefore, to its future.
To frame the University of Salerno in its historical and physical context, the essential objective is the collection and organization of data that allow a stratified reading of the Irno Valley that, transversal to the coastline, in an area between two large plains, pestana and bell, has always designed a path of penetration from the south to the north, an obligatory connection between the Gulf of Salerno and the area of Sarno and Volturno. In this picture the most ancient and consistent historical traces are witnessed by the Etruscan settlement of Fratte, starting from the VI B.C century i until the foundation of the colony of Salernum, in 194 B.C. The Roman intervention determines a substantial transformation of the landscape both through articulated forms of exploitation of agricultural resources and through the occupation of the territory through villae and rural installations widely witnessed, for example, in the municipalities of Baronissi, Fisciano and within the same University campus.
The project is of a multidisciplinary nature and sees the participation of members from 4 different departments:
- Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni "R.M. Capocelli" (DIA)
- Vittorio Scarano (Coordinatore)
- Alberto Negro
- Filomena De Santis
- Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione (DISCED)
- Antonio Iannaccone
- Cesaro Michele
- Savarese Giulia
- Dipartimento di Beni Culturali (DBC)
- Angela Pontrandolfo
- Luca Cerchiai
- Alfonso Santoriello
- Dipartimento di Studi sull’Ambiente e il Territorio (DISAT)
- Maria Giovanna Riitano
- Amodio Teresa