Novelette project

Creativity potentially lies in everyone, but it is crucial to provide children with stimuli and a favorable context for letting these skills emerge and be strengthened as it is one of the most important processes to support their active and aware role in a fast moving world.
The project addresses these needs by creating a SCISSOR framework for teachers, to help them leverage digital storytelling to enhance creativity (K. Sawyer (2020)) and support divergent thinking (J.P. Guilford (1957)), the approach used to come up with creative ideas or not conventional solutions by augmenting problem-solving skills.

SCISSOR framework is based on Novelette, a digital storytelling environment, freely available at the Università di Salerno, grounded on Gianni Rodari techniques and tricks, described in his 1973 “Grammar of Fantasy”, to create stories for kids and by the kids, like, e.g., to continue someone else’s story or play on words to exploit suggestions, such as a chain of words, analogies, and word interpretations, to inspire the narrator.

SCISSOR framework, starting from the recognition of the needs of the teachers/schools, includes:
1. principles to be applied by the teachers
2. examples and guidelines to create scenario using Novelette
3. resources to empower the teachers.

support use of storytelling to address inclusiveness (e.g. narrative for students with dyslexia), multiculturalism.