ISISLab Laboratory

The ISISLa laboratory of the Computer Science Department of the University of Salerno collaborates with Bimed, an association of local authorities and schools for education, culture, and legality that wants to make the Campania Region the engine of the relationship between Europe and the Mediterranean. Every year, Bimed chooses to involve schools from all over Italy that adhere to the format by launching the creative relay. The Relay is a format that involves the school in its entirety – managers, teachers, students, families, institutions, territory, and libraries – as it aims to support and spread the activities of “writing and reading of schools”, offering new generations the opportunity to “talk about” and “get to know” through the inventions of writing and the emotions of reading. Different relays are depending on the age, for the first and second classes and the three-year primary (also maternal pearls) and the secondary ones of I and II degree.

Since 1996, Vittorio Scarano, together with Alberto Negro, has founded and co-directs the ISISLab laboratory at the Computer Science Department. So far, ISISLab has hosted the research activity of around 20 doctoral students, more than 20 collaborators (research grants, research contracts) and has provided support for more than 120 theses (I and II levels) offering computing resources with an IBM 38-node cluster, file and application servers, educational lab, stereoscopic projection screen, augmented reality peripherals, etc.

Several research projects have been carried out in the laboratory.

EU funding

COLTRANE - COLlaboraTive cybeRsecurity AwareNess LEarning

COLlaboraTive cybeRsecurity AwareNess LEarning” (COLTRANE) – Erasmus+

COLTRANE aims at joining forces across Europe and creating a Cyberse-curity Awareness Education Community, providing a col-laborative environment with tools and methodologies and developing a practice for sharing learning resources andgood practices. The core objectives of the COLTRANE project therefore are:

1)To modernize and streamline cybersecurity Ed-ucation across Europe by developing innovative educational concepts and teaching and learning methodologies.

2)To develop an educational concept for cybersecu-rity awareness that results in a paradigm shift fromthe current perception of cybersecurity (being anIT department problem), to cyber-security as a col-lective societal and organisational problem whereeach employee and citizen has a role in improvingthe cybersecurity posture.

3) To foster collaboration among European cyberse-curity educators for development and maintenance of education material. This action includes boththe innovative use and development of technolog-ical support (providing a collaboration environ-ment), as well as providing technical support fortransnational community management tailored tothe cybersecurity education context.

4) To provide a toolkit for innovative evaluation and validation of learning outcomes (grading) to allow for the assessment of the collaborative and hands-on context of the project material in European HEI environments. Furthermore, the toolkit will provide guidelines for institutional implementation of the novel COLTRANE learning and validation approach.

Università di Salerno (Italy), Austrian institute of technology (AIT, Austria) , University of Vienna (Austria), Wise & Munro (Netherlands), University of Oulu (Finland), University of Nottingham (United Kingdom).

Tipo di finanziamento: Erasmus+

Project duration:  September 2020 –  2023

Raising Open and User-friendly Transparency-Enabling Technologies fOr Public Administrations

“Raising Open and User-friendly Transparency-Enabling Technologies fOr Public Administrations” (ROUTE-TO-PA) – Horizon  2020

ROUTE-TO-PA is an innovative multidisciplinary project which, thanks to the contribution of experts and researchers in the field of digital administration, information technology and economics, aims to improve the impact, in society and among citizens, of information and communication technologies that promote transparency. These technologies will increase the involvement of citizens making them able to interact on open data, entering into existing online communities or creating new ones, in which common interests are shared and in which topics of importance are discussed with regard, for example, to local politics, the provision of services or standards.


Participants: Università degli Studi di Salerno; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France; Wise & Munro Learning Research, The Hague, Netherlands; The Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), Ireland; Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; Utrecht University, School of Governance (Netherlands); Ancitel, Italy; Ortelio LTD, UK; City of the Hague Municipality (Netherlands); Dublin City Council and Dublinked (Ireland); Prato City Council (Italy); Issy
Média/ Issy-Les-Moulineaux (France); Open Knowledge Foundation


Tipo di finanziamento: Horizon 2020, Research and Innovation Project (RIA)

Project duration: 1 February 2015 – 31 May 2018

Technology-enhanced Learning and Problem-solving Discussions: Networked Learning Environments in the Classroom" (LEAD)

“Technology-enhanced Learning and Problem-solving Discussions: Networked Learning Environments in the Classroom” (LEAD) – VI Programma Quadro FP6-2004-IST-4

The LEAD project focuses on a specific type of cognitive learning activity based on the solution of collaborative problems. The fundamental objective consists in the development of a software system capable of supporting face-to-face discussions, in order to promote learning and knowledge, not only through the use of computers, but also through collaboration and interaction between groups. In this context, the development of face-to-face (synchronous) cooperation techniques, technologies and methodologies is the role of the unit of the Computer Science Department of the University of Salerno, coordinated by Vittorio Scarano. The main result is a platform for the development of cooperative systems (Cooperative Face2Face Educational Environment, CoFFEE), released with open-source license to the scientific community and educators, extensible and programmable. (COFFEE Sourceforge).

Participants: Università degli Studi di Salerno (Dipartimento di Informatica e Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione); Utrecht University (Netherlands), University of Nottingham (UK), ICATT Interactive Media (Netherlands), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France); Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines (France)

Funding Scheme: EU VI Framework, Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP)

Project duration: December 2005 – November 2008

LEONARDO project

WHITE “Web for Handicap Integrated Training Environment” – LEONARDO

Development of software systems to contribute to the improvement of educational / training systems in order to provide help and support to people with physical handicaps (especially people with sight impairments). The objective of the project is to contribute to the development of a software system capable of providing advanced services in order to make web browsing more accessible for all users, without limits or barriers even by users with disabilities ( motor and visual), suffering from pathologies such as low vision, color blindness, low cognitive abilities, etc.

Participants: Comitato Permanente Studio, Ricerca e Programmazione Sociosanitaria – ASL CE1, WEGRE – Western Greece Development Center (Greece), U.A.B. – Università Autonoma di Barcellona (Spain), Scoala Centrale of Bucarest (Romania)

Founding Scheme: Progetto dell’Unione Europea, Leonardo da Vinci Program
Project duration: 2004 – 2005

National funding

PAUN project

PAUN “Parco Archeologico Urbano Napoli” del Distretto ad Alta Tecnologia per i Beni Culturali DATABENC – POR Regione Campania

The PAUN project aims to lay the foundations for the realization of the City Archological Park of the City of Naples by defining its initial location in the archaeological site of Piazza Municipio. An Urban Archaeological Park is based on the assumption that without knowledge there is no lasting exploitation and without protection there is no patrimony to transmit to future generations. One of the main objectives is, therefore, to satisfy the need for information and services relating to cultural heritage through ways that favor the innovation of protection and enhancement systems. In this sense, each of the project objectives intends to give life to an interaction of skills and knowledge, creating a synergistic solution to different needs of the region’s cultural sector. The project runs according to 3 interconnected lines of action:

  • analysis of the archaeological-monumental and environmental functional heritage for the creation of the Integrated Knowledge System within the CHIS platform;
  • creation of a network for monitoring archaeological, historical and monumental risks and the impact of tourist flows;
  • realization of tools for a Social and Sustainable Fruition in augmented and virtual reality.


Participants: Consorzio Anfiteatro Entertainment; Consorzio Borgo Orefici; Consorzio CARSO; Consorzio CAMPI FLEGREI; CIMA S.r.l., Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Cueim; Centro INNOVA S.C.A.R.L; Le Nuvole; Naos Consulting; STRAGO S.p.A.; Consorzio TEBE; Teleservizi S.p.A; Università degli Studi di Salerno; Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”
Funding Scheme: POR Campania FESR 2014/2020, O.S 1.2 “Rafforzamento del sistema innovativo regionale e nazionale”
Project duration: 2017 – 2020

CHIS project

 “CULTURAL HERITAGE INFORMATION SYSTEM – CHIS” del Distretto ad Alta Tecnologia per i Beni Culturali DATABENC (POR Regione Campania) project

The project intends to study and develop innovative solutions that guarantee value for the territory and for the cultural and landscape assets that insist on it and at the same time make the response of that unique resource, through the use of new technologies. The main objectives of the project can be summarized in the study and prototyping of an innovative ICT architecture – cloud, mobile, and web-based – which, thanks to the declination of the “Internet of Things” paradigm, allows to provide “intelligence” to a given context. Given the heterogeneity and multiplicity of the scenarios and areas in which the CHIS platform is applicable, it will be necessary to define those that are the requisites required for a given space to be considered “smart”, requirements that will then translate into specific implementation for the IT platform

Participants: Consorzio Atheneum; CID Software S.p.A.; CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica); CONFORM – Consulenza Formazione e Management
S.c.a.r.l.; FR – Finanza e Ricerca; Consorzio stabile GLOSSA; Centro INNOVA S.C.A.R.L;
IN.TEL.TEC sistemi informativi S.p.A.; G. Izzo Restauri s.a.s.; System Management SRL;
Consorzio TEBE; Technova S.c.a.r.l.; Università degli Studi di Salerno; Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II

Funding Scheme: Regione Campania.

Project duration: 2014-2016

Progetto SNECS

Progetto “Social Network delle Entità dei Centri Storici – SNECS” del Distretto ad Alta Tecnologia per i Beni Culturali DATABENC(POR Regione Campania)

Il progetto di ricerca intende raccogliere e trasmettere i contenuti della conoscenza scientifica di carattere artistico, archeologico, letterario, storico–filosofico sul territorio della Campania, con particolare enfasi sui centri storici, attivando e sperimentando nuove strategie per la loro rappresentazione, organizzazione, diffusione e promozione basate su paradigmi di intelligenza tecnologica, che rappresentano le sfide di Smart cities e Smart environment, che la comunità europea chiede di raccogliere. La dotazione tecnologica, composta di reti, cloud computing, dati aperti (open data) e sensoristica distribuita rappresenta il fattore abilitante per la costruzione di ecosistemi dotati di una intelligenza in grado di supportare trasparenza e crescita economica, ovvero di coordinare modelli di sviluppo economico e di reale e partecipata governance territoriale.

Collaborazioni: Consorzio Anfiteatro Entertainment; Consorzio Borgo Orefici; Consorzio CARSO; Consorzio CAMPI FLEGREI; CIMA S.r.l., Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Cueim; Centro INNOVA S.C.A.R.L; Le Nuvole; Naos Consulting; STRAGO S.p.A.; Consorzio TEBE; Teleservizi S.p.A; Università degli Studi di Salerno; Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”.

Tipo di finanziamento: POR Regione Campania.

Finanziatori: Regione Campania.

Durata: 2014-2016

Shared fruition of cultural resources on the WWW (Campania Region)

“Fruizione condivisa di risorse culturali sul WWW” project (Regione Campania) 

Design of a system for sharing comments on cultural resources on the WWW.

Funding Scheme: Project Regional Law n. 5/2002. Regional funds (2008 required, 2015 assigned)
Role: Project Coordinator

From the territory to virtual reality: the Fisciano campus in its reference context

“From the territory to virtual reality: the Fisciano campus in its reference context ” project

This multidisciplinary project aims at the construction of virtual environments, usable locally or remotely, in collaboration and in real time, on the campus of the University of Salerno, together with relevant places in the geographical and historical / archaeological reference context. Researchers from 4 departments of the University of Salerno participate: Department of Computer Science and Applications, Department of Educational Sciences, Department of Cultural Heritage and Department of Environmental and Territorial Studies.

Funding Scheme: University Integrated Research Project, University of Salerno, Italy
Role: Project Coordinator
Project duration: May 2008 – April 2010

TOCAI project

TOCAI “Tecnologie Orientate alla Conoscenza per la Aggregazione di imprese su Internet” (“Knowledge-oriented technologies for business aggregation on the Internet”) – MIUR

The project intends to study and develop innovative solutions that guarantee value for the territory and for the cultural and landscape assets that insist on it and at the same time render the response of that unique resource, through the use of new technologies. The main objectives of the project can be summarized in the study and prototyping of an innovative ICT architecture – cloud, mobile and web based – which, thanks to the declination of the “Internet of Things” paradigm, allows to provide “intelligence” to a given context. Given the heterogeneity and multiplicity of the scenarios and areas in which the CHIS platform is applicable, it will be necessary to define those that are the requisites required for a given space in order to be considered “smart”, requirements that will then translate into specific implementation for the ICT platform.


Participants: Consorzio Atheneum; CID Software S.p.A.; CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica); CONFORM – Consulenza Formazione e Management S.c.a.r.l.; FR – Finanza e Ricerca; Consorzio stabile GLOSSA; Centro INNOVA S.C.A.R.L; IN.TEL.TEC sistemi informativi S.p.A.; G. Izzo Restauri s.a.s.; System Management SRL; Consorzio TEBE; Technova S.c.a.r.l.; Università degli Studi di Salerno; Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”
Funding Scheme: POR Campania Region
Role: Head of local unit of the Department
Project duration: 2014 – 2016

INNOVA project

The Competence Center aims to create a network that integrates and strengthens groups of researchers that refer to all the technical-scientific areas involved in the development and transfer of innovation to the Cultural and Environmental Heritage. Objective of the activities coordinated by Vittorio Scarano is to study and apply technologies and design methodologies of 3D environments that prove to be sufficiently stable and settled to be used for the realization of 3D representations to be associated with cultural resources usable remotely and locally with terminals of different capacity.

Participants: Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Salerno, Institute of Cybernetics of the CNR of Naples
Funding Scheme: POR Campania Region
Role: Responsible for research and development (local) for the activity “III.1.2: Interactions through virtual reality”, one of the 4 activities of the unit of the University of Salerno, headed by the Department
Project duration: 2003 – 2006


WEBMINDS “Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services” – MIUR

The main objective of the project was the study and development of a middleware infrastructure that provides secure, reliable and continuously available support for access to information by fixed and mobile terminals, demonstrating its effectiveness through applications shared access and data and multimedia content delivery. The architecture provides a multiplicity of autonomous and geographically distributed servers and proxies, cooperating with each other also according to the peer-to-peer paradigm, to provide multiple services such as data storage, access and updating in a scalable, easily reconfigurable form to the needs.

Participants: Unità CINI Bologna, Unità CINI Genova, Unità CINI Napoli, Unità CINI Roma, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Università degli Studi di Salerno
Funding Scheme: Programma di Ricerca nazionale. Unità di ricerca progetto FIRB del MIUR
Role: Responsible for research and development (local)
Project duration: 2002 – 2006